Here are some helpful tips which may resolve this issue for you:
- Manually enter your email and password.
- Erase spaces in front and behind your email.
- Please try an alternate email when trying to log in.
- If your having password issues then reset the Password
(Web browser)
Rebooting the browser may resolve the issue, but failing that, try the following steps:
Clear browser cache and any cookies and try again
If that does not work, use the following Chrome tool to clear your DNS cache: chrome://net-internals/#dns
Identify if you are having a Browser Specific Issue:
Try logging into HIDIVE on a different browser or device
Try logging into HIDIVE using an Incognito Window
If you continue to experience login issues after you have completed the above steps, please follow up with HIDIVE Support by contacting us via chat or call 1844-326-4635.
Include as many details as you can, so we may best support you and get you logged into your account quickly.